Docutrend Toner Recycling
We will seek out new and innovative ways to lessen our impact on the environment – and provide energy-effective, earth-friendly office product solutions that help our customers do the same. We've defined a clear and sustainable Reuse – Reduce – Recycle approach.

Think Globally, Recycle Locally
When local recycling is utilized, environmental impacts associated with the transportation of cartridges/ containers are reduced. In the case that local recycling isn’t an option, manufacturers have created alternative options for dealers and customers.
When local recycling or energy recovery facilities are unable to accept toner supplies, toner containers, cartridges, and waste toner containers can be shipped to the Toner Container Recycling Center for free with the pre-paid label.
Since the beginning of 2021, Docutrend has had a considerable impact on the reduction of waste and the positivity it has on the environment.